Dear Artists,
due to frequently asked questions and doubts related to the Regulations and Rules of the forthcoming edition of the International Print Triennial in Krakow, we would like to inform you about:
Types of accepted works:
1. Accepted are single works, as well as sets of prints (from 2 to 4).
2. Triptychs may be submitted as a one work on the condition that they have common title and any of the prints included in the triptych cannot be presented separately.
3. Accepted are different forms of graphic installations.
4. In case of graphic installations consist of only light elements (i.e. prints on paper or textile) they should be submitted Just like classic paper prints.
5. In case of graphic installations that include additional heavy elements (i.e. metal frame) or are heavy objects, you should submit detailed description and visualizations, and all those elements of the installations that are printed on paper or textile and are base or elements of the installation.
6. In case of multimedia installations and works you should send detailed description, visualizations and technical rider, together with the digital material to be projected.
Submission Content:
By regular mail, courier company or in person you should deliver the following:
1. Set of original works (or elements of the proposed installation that are printed on paper or textile) or digital material to be projected.
2. Completed and signed Entry Form (Appendix 1).
3. The proof of payment (fee: 70 EUR)
Address and bank account number:
Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowe Triennale Grafiki w Krakowie
Rynek Główny 29
31-010 Kraków
Account number for payments in PLN:
Bank Zachodni WBK SA, Rynek Główny 30, 31-133 Kraków
03 1090 1665 0000 0001 3019 1135
Account number for payments in EUR:
Bank Zachodni WBK SA, Rynek Główny 30, 31-133 Kraków
PL93 1090 2053 0000 0001 1859 7530
Artists can pay their Participant Fee by PayPal, on SMTG's account:
Optional: Completed and signed Sales Form [Appendix 4]
By WeTransfer or other similar platforms to the address: you should deliver the following:
Optional: Contextual material (if it gives more profound insight into submitted works)
1. Applications will be accepted no later than: January 31, 2018.
2. Information on qualifying for the Main Exhibition will be announced on April 16, 2018.
3. Accepting heavy and bulky components of the installation selected for the Main Exhibition: May 31, 2018.
4. Opening of the Main Exhibition: July 6, 2018.
Selection Process:
1. The International Jury of the MTG Competition will be present exclusively on the original works.
2. The International Jury will meet in March 2018.
The International Jury consists of the following members:
Sean Caulfield (Canada)
Thomas Kilpper (Germany)
Marta Anna Raczek-Karcz (Poland)
Breda Škrjanec (Slovenia)
Krzysztof Tomalski (Poland)
We would also like to inform you that the above points are only an excerpt from MTG 2018 Regulations and Rules, and the basis for the organization of the event is the full text of the Regulations and Rules published on the SMTG website.