Award of the City of Krakow for Professor Jan Pamuła


Award of the City of Krakow for Professor Jan Pamuła

On 25 November 2013 we have witnessed the presentation of Awards of the City of Krakow to prominent citizens of Krakow.
Prizes are being awarded in the field of culture and of art, science and technology, sport and for outstanding diploma works related to Krakow.
We have the pleasure to inform you that Professor Jan Pamuła, Triennial’s former President, to whom we express gratitude for leading our Association in the most difficult time, had the honour to receive the Award.
In the previous years several outstanding graphic artists: Janina Kraupe-Świderska, Jerzy Panek, Witold Skulicz, Ryszard Otręba also received the City of Krakow Award, a fact attesting that graphic art is important to the City authorities.


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