Bunt – Expressionism – Cross-border avant-garde. Art pieces from the collection of prof. S. Karol Kubicki in Berlin


Bunt  – Expressionism – Cross-border avant-garde. Art pieces from the collection of prof. S. Karol Kubicki in Berlin

Bunt  – Expressionism – Cross-border avant-garde.

Art pieces from the collection of prof. S. Karol Kubicki in Berlin


In 2015 the exhibition entitled Bunt [Revolt] – Expressionism – Cross-border avant-garde will be presented at the National Museum in Poznań, at the Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz, as well as at the Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Museum in Dresden and the Lower Silesian Center of Photography Domek Romański in Wrocław.

The exhibition is to honor the donation from the Berlin collection of Professor  S. Karol Kubicki, the son of the Polish-German couple of avant-garde artists, Margarete and Stanisław Kubicki, bequeathed to the National Museum in Poznań and to the Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz. It will mostly include about 90 expressionist graphic art works by the Poznań artistic/literary group Bunt. The whole tour is a part of the International Print Triennial program in Kraków.

Apart from the Kubickis' artworks, who were the initiators of Polish-German exhibitions and publishing contacts, especially between the Poznań group Bunt, the magazine Zdrój and the Berlin galleries and magazines Die Aktion and Der Sturm, the exhibition will also feature drawings, pastels, linocuts and works done in the intaglio techniques by Jerzy Hulewicz, Władysław Skotarek, Stefan Szmaj, Jan Jerzy Wroniecki and Jan Panieński, that remained in Berlin after the Bunt group's exhibitions which took place between 1918 and1922 up to this present act of donation.

The exhibition of historical works, from the end of World War I and the two decades of the interwar period, will be accompanied by presentations of the artistic projects Refleks [Reflex] (2014), and Ulotka [Flyer] (2015), that were inspired by the artworks, activities and program of the Bunt group. The presentations are carried out by about 30 graphic artists from the University of Arts in Poznań and from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, and besides the works on paper and installations, they also include films and exhibitions organized in public urban space.

The Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz will host the conference Bunt and the traditions of graphic arts in Poland and Germany (26.06.2015), and the accompanying exhibition will be enriched by works of art from 7 contemporary artists showing their dialogue with the art of the classic avant-garde. On the other hand, the glass and iron installation by two different artists will be presented in Dresden and Wrocław. 

The exhibition will be accompanied by 5 bilingual publications, lectures, workshops and presentations which will be part of Museum Night in Poznań (16.05.2015), and Wrocław’s Good Books Fair (3-15.12.2015).

The project will also be presented at the 23rd conference of the Working Group of German and Polish Art His­torians and Restorers Re-constructions. City, space, museum, object (7-10.10. 2015, the Adam Mickiewicz University Department of Art History/ Culture Centre Zamek in Poznań), serving the popularization of knowledge on the relations between Polish and German Expressionists, as well as the donation itself, so essential to the Polish museology.


The exhibition is co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.


Concept / curator of the exhibition tour: Lidia Głuchowska


Exhibition dates:          19.04.-05.31.2015 the National Museum in Poznań

25.06.-23.08.2015 the Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum. in Bydgoszcz

4.09.-8.11..2015 the Kraszewski Museum in Dresden

19.11.-12.12.2015 – the Lower Silesian Center of Photography Domek Romański in Wrocław


-Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław, as part of the Lower Silesian Art Festival

-the National Museum in Poznań

- the Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz

- the Kraszewski Museum in Dresden


Co-curator at the National Museum in Poznań:

Agnieszka Salamon-Radecka


Coordinators at the Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz:

Barbara Chojnacka, Honorata Gołuńska


The Ulotka project coordinators: Maciej Kurak, Jacek Szewczyk


Artistic-documentary film:

Concept and implementation: Lidia Głuchowska, Anna Kraśko

Technical execution: Anna Kraśko

Contemporary artists from the University of Arts in Poznań, participants of the project „Refleks”

Andrzej Bobrowski, Agnieszka Mori, Katarzyna Krawczyk, Mirosław Pawłowski, Jarosław Janas, Piotr Szurek, Marek Glinkowski, Maryna Mazur, Stefan Ficner, Max Skorwider, Dorota Jonkajtis, Grzegorz Nowicki, Krzysztof Balcerowiak, Michał Tatarkiewicz, Maciej Kurak, Radosław Włodarski

Coordinator:                Maciej Kurak

Poster:                                     Andrzej Bobrowski

Art/Movie:                   Marek Glinkowski, Maciej Kurak


Contemporary artists, participants of the project „Ulotka” [Flyer] (2015):

- from the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław:

Małgorzata Warlikowska, Anna Kodź, Aleksandra Janik, Wojciech Kołacz, Paweł Frąckiewicz, Anna Trojanowska, Chris Nowicki, Marta Kubiak, Agata Gertchen, Przemysław Tyszkiewicz, Jacek Szewczyk, Magdalena Czerniawska, Anna Janusz-Strzyż, Mariusz Gorzelak


   - from the University of Arts in Poznań:

Andrzej Bobrowski, Agnieszka Mori, Katarzyna Krawczyk, Mirosław Pawłowski, Jarosław Janas, Piotr Szurek, Marek Glinkowski, Maryna Mazur, Stefan Ficner, Max Skorwider, Dorota Jonkajtis, Grzegorz Nowicki, Krzysztof Balcerowiak, Michał Tatarkiewicz, Maciej Kurak, Radosław Włodarski


Contemporary exhibiting their art pieces at the displays of the tour in Bydgoszcz and Wrocław:

Andrzej Bobrowski, Agata Gertchen, Małgorzata Kopczyńska, Maciej Kurak, Jacek Szewczyk, Piotr Szurek, Przemysław Tyszkiewicz


Contemporary artists exhibiting their art pieces at the displays of the tour in Dresden and Wrocław:

Karolina Ludwiczak, Marcin Stachowiak


Logo of the exhibition tour:  Andrzej Bobrowski, Transformation M/S – project, linocut, 2015


Partners:                      Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Faculty of Graphic Arts

Wrocław’s Good Books Fair

University of Arts in Poznań, Faculty of Graphic Arts

Lower Silesian Centre of Photography Domek Romański, Wrocław

The Rarytas Foundation, Poznań

Association of Museums of the City of Dresden

Greater Poland’s Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts


Patronage:                   International Print Triennial Society in Krakow

University of Wrocław’s The Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies


Media patronage:         Quart, Dyskurs, Format, Odra, portal

Radio PIK, Gazeta Wyborcza


Media coverage:           TVP Bydgosz


Patrons of the Poznań edition:

art magazine ARTEON, cultural information portal IKS, monthly magazine Puls Poznania, Radio Merkury and TVP Kultura


Publications related to the exhibition:

·                  Lidia Głuchowska, Peter Mantis, Stanisław Kubicki – In Transitu – Poeta

tłumaczy sam siebie / Ein Poet übersetzt sich selbst, trans. / übers. Dorota Cygan, Lidia Głuchowska, Arkadiusz Jurewicz, Michael Zgodzay, language course / Lektorat Margit Jäkel, Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław, Wrocław 2015.

·                  Lidia Głuchowska, Agnieszka Salamon (eds.), Bunt – Ekspresjonizm –

Transgraniczna awangarda/ Bunt Expressionismus- Grenzübergreifende Avantgarde, trans. / übers. Dorota Cygan, Lidia Głuchowska, Language course / Lektorat Margit Jäkel, The National Museum in Poznań, Poznań 2015.

·         Refleks (artists book), red. Maciej Kurak, Uniwersytet Artystyczny
w Poznaniu,Wydział Grafiki i Komunikacji Wizualnej, Fundacja Rarytas, Poznań 2014.

·                  Ulotka (artists book), ed. Maciej Kurak, University of Arts / Faculty of Graphic Arts,

Rarytas Foundation, Poznań 2015.

·                  Lidia Głuchowska, Honorata Gołuńska (eds), Bunt a tradycje grafiki w Polsce i w

Niemczech, Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz, Bydgoszcz 2015.

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