Witold Skulicz. In memory of the Proffessor...

Pawilon Wyspiańskiego

2 Wszystkich Swietych Square, level -2, Krakow, Poland

13.01.2010 – 14.02.2010

vernissage: 12.01.2010, 18:00

Witold Skulicz. In memory of the Proffessor...

In the basement of the Pavilion Wyspiańskiego an exhibition of graphic works prof. Witold Skulicz is presented. Full of the dynamic, motion and kept in a sophisticated color schemes lithographs and works done in his own technique, allow to meet with the professor one more time. His art intruduces into his personal world in which figuration is intertwined with abstract forms, and the scale and refined detail shows a high-end art workshop. Modest in terms of the number of presented work exhibition is created from graphics from the collection of the Krakow branch of Association of Polish Artists and Designers and from the works from private archives.

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